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Poppyhill Publishing is proud to introduce our new book INSPIRATIONAL POSSIBILITIES due to be released for purchase May 2012. You'll find excerpts from the actual book to pique your interest. It has helped guide many readers to transform their lives in many ways. This book's gentle, straightforward approach, is perfect for beginners, those well established on the path of spiritual awakening, and spiritual teachers to share with their students.
Great Comments from readers:
"INSPIRATIONAL POSSIBILITIES is a practical yet thorough guide to spiritual growth. It covers all bases: practices, prayers, affirmations, spiritual healing techniques, personal examples, and finally, a workbook." Barry Vissell, MD and  Joyce Vissell, RN, MS authors of The Shared Heart, Meant To Be, and A Mother's Final Gift.
"Reading INSPIRATIONAL POSSIBILITIES is like visiting with an old, dear, wise friend. This book knows me very well, knows my longings, and my shortcomings, and accepts me just the way I am. This book has gone before me, knows things I want to know. And like an old, dear friend, I want to spend a lot of time with it."  L. Monk, RN

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california poppies
California Poppies at Poppyhill

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Poppyhill Publishing            robin@poppyhillpublishing.com 

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