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FAQs and Comments

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Frequently asked questions we have received: 
  1. I'm wondering if I could read a few pages of the book, INSPIRATIONAL POSSIBILITIES, before I buy it? Yes, click  EXCERPTS  to read several pages.
  2. What is INSPIRATIONAL POSSIBILITIES  about?  Like a treasure trove, INSPIRATIONAL POSSIBILITIES reveals the basics necessary for those on the path of self-discovery who wish to become increasingly aware of the spiritual levles.  The book is a wonderful introduction to the true self, our Spiritual Self, that is part of each of us, whether we see it or not. "It is sincerely, clearly, and eloquently written -- gently offering something for us all, whatever our religious or spiritual background, or where we may be on our spiritual path."  B. Palma
  3. Will Poppyhill Publishing publish by book?  At this time Poppyhill Publishing is focused and totally dedicated to getting INSPIRATIONAL POSSIBILITIES  published, distributed, marketed, and into the hands of readers who are ready and looking for its' message. We are not publishing for other authors at this time.
  4. Where can I find more information about this new book, INSPIRATIONAL POSSIBILITIES?  Please visit http:www.inspirationalpossibilities.com to find inspiring quotes, testimonials, healing requests, mary's BLOG, and much more. 
  5. Are there any discounts for orders of multiple books? Definitely. Yes, please contaact   Sandy@poppyhillpublishing.com  for larger orders, please include your resale number if you have one for the resale of books.  

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Poppyhill Publishing            robin@poppyhillpublishing.com 

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