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Our new book is now available! 
Just off the presses and ready for you!
Perfect Bind BOOK Printed in the U.S.A.
ISBN # : # 978-0-9715391-1-2
Number of pages: 316 pages


CLICK HERE to visit INSPIRATIONALPOSSIBILITIES.COM where you'll find inspiring quotes,healing requests, Mary's BLOG, and more.

This Book will help you:
  • Explore your unique path of self-discovery.
  • Discover the wise spiritual presence within.
  • Learn to invite healings for yourself, others, and our precious planet.
  • Activate your intuition.
  • Claim your true power.

Chapter One -- Excerpts
INSPIRATIONAL POSSIBILITIES explains and helps us to remember many spiritual basics. It's a perfect guide on the path of self-discovery, offering opportunities for you to create your unique recipe to discover the peaceful, spiritual presence within.
Amidst any doubts you may have about the spiritual realms, let your true willingness and desire help guide you along your preciously individual path of spiritual-discovery. You have the potential to become aware of your divinely conscious spiritual self. How to do this is part of self-discovery!
Learn to invite Divine Consciousness to guide you in new directions, inspire you with creative possibilities, provide healings and clearings for you and whatever veils your awareness of inner spiritual levels, motivate you to make new choices, and much more. Since we each are given free will to make choices and live according to our individual preferences, Spiritual Law prevents divine intervention except in situations often noticed as miracles, unless assistance is first requested.  Whether we call it asking, praying, or inviting divine assistance, the simple act of asking for healing, help, and guidance, gives Divine Consciousness permission to participate more actively in our lives. The step-by-step specifics and examples included may be used as guides when you ask for divine assistance.
The chapters provide possible ingredients for your consideration when creating your recipe for spiritual discovery. One chapter reminds us that it isn't so important what we are doing, as how we are doing, whatever it is that we are doing in each moment. Others consider healing for the heart, kindness, forgiveness, relaxation, divine love, and thankfulness.  Those tired of unconsciously dwelling on past experiences and future dreams, will appreciate detailed how-to's and examples provided to help focus attention on the present experience. Learn to journal, practice relaxation, meditation, even surrender, and naturally settle peacefully into the present moment. Sift through and take time to get to know each inspiritional possibility. Try them out, one by one. Discover what works for you, before actually choosing which to include in your recipe.
The opportunities are available to help us shift and expand from mainly focusing on our physical image. We become increasingly aware of our spiritual consciousness as well. Those who consciously connect with the soul-guided self are often graced with an inner radiance as the divine presence expands within. It is always present and waiting with open arms to warmly receive you consciously, unconditionally, lovingly, and totally.
Like a treasure trove, this book is packed with possibilities to help us connect with and recognize the truth of who we really are. Through the practice of what is offered we awaken to these truths and claim our true power. Read and practice these inspirational possibilities every day. And soon you will recognize the truth of your true self.  As you gain awareness of these higher vibrational levels, you will begin to received glimpses that help you to remember your divine purpose and the gifts you came to earth share.
This is your journey!  Be open to new possibilities. Be creative and enjoy participating fully in your personal adventure of spiritual discovery. Think of ways to include these inspiring suggestins, ideas, and divinely conscious healings in your life. Claim your true power and give yourself the luxury of receiving the assistance of spiritual healings and spiritual clearings as often as you choose. This is actually something of great importance that you can do, to help bring healing to your self, others, and our precious planet.
Chapter Two -- Excerpts
Introducing Our True Self
May we discover depths within which are new to us as we awaken to a profoundly kind, wise, and loving part of our self. This presence has been given many names by those who know it, such as soul, essence, and divinely conscious spiritual self.  One day we may each be honored to recognize it as our true self.
Yes, in addition to our physical body, mind, and emotions, is our precious spiritual self, the dearest, most amazing part of each of us. Discovering this truth for ourselves is an important part of our divine purpose for being on earth.
As humans, we have the potential to become fully aware of our divinely conscious spiritual self, also known as soul. This isn't something that exists for a chosen few; it exists within everyone! Even though it can be quite elusive, it is well worth taking time to become increasingly aware of this profound presence within.  It patiently awaits discovery! The fact that this book has found its way into your hands, and that you are reading it, are likely indications that it is time for you to increase awareness of the divinely conscious levels of our true self.
When we're open to the possibility that such a spiritual self might exist within us, it's very easy to request healings from it, and then simply notice what happens. Our healing requests give permission for our entire energy field to be more thoroughly permeated with the purest divinely conscious and healing energies perfect for us at that time. Healings help align us with radiant health as they fill us with the higher virations of healing energies and divine qualities such as divine live, light, wisdom, grace, kindness, peace, clarity, truth, purpose, inspiration, and delight. The list of divinely conscious healing assistance is endless, as are the possible physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits received through our sincere healing requests.
Many of us generally live with our attention focused outwardly in the physical world, unaware of the divine inner realms and of our divine potential to discover them. Guided by our familiar ego-consciousness, we tend to hurry along, habitually distracted by scattered thoughts, emotional dramas, and personal concerns of life. As we become more aware of our spiritual sellf, we tend to be less focused on ego concerns, opinions of others, and our usual outer directed self-awareness. The divinely conscious spiritual self, the essence of our being, inspires us with infinite possibilities. Through its healing and guidance we connect with a sense of true freedom. We become naturally spontaneous and graced with awareness of our divine purpose and the paritcular gifts we are on earth to share.
Do you recall your conscience reminding you of the ways to do things in life that honor yourself and others, guiding you to be aware, and to live with kindness toward everything in the universe? Human beings are granted free will to make choices that are in alignment with this divinely conscious guidance....or not. The conscience, as part of the divinely conscious soul, respects our freedom to choose attachment to the ego's physical and worldly concerns, often resulting in less-than divinely conscious choices. And so, at times we choose to override the conscience and instead, believing in our separateness, create our own individual set of life rules and our own set of truths, which we change at will. We choose to let our ego make adjustments along the way as needed for our personal convenience. Until something shifts.
In the blink of an eye, it is like we hit a bump in the road that jars our perceptions in such a way that everything somehow seems different. How this happens remains unclear. Could it be that soul's consciousness suddenly begins to stir and surface within our awareness, particularly when we are stressed, frustrated, disillusioned, or filled with a deep sense of unrest? Perhaps a pre-destined time sparks a shift within, or could it be divine intervention? Who knows exactly what happens? It does seem that if our divine potential to know soul's loving kindness is to be part of our individual life path, we will at some time become filled with an overpowering desire to begin the search to consciously connect with it.

Poppyhill Publishing            robin@poppyhillpublishing.com 

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